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Kollintzas, Tryphon Zanella, Giulio Padrini, Flavio Baussola, Maurizio Aoki, Masanao Coricelli, Fabrizio Molteni, Francesco Pecchi, Lorenzo Valente, Giorgio Del Boca, Alessandra All co-authors government goods italy konjunktur italien consumption public private business labor stylized facts merit relation cycles inventory real unemployment countries arbeitslosigkeit supply micro finance aggregate market evidence procyclically cases economy estimation schätzung arbeitsmarkt debt gdp elasticities macro elasticity time monetary
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Riccardo Fiorito Alternative spellings: R. Fiorito Biblio: Prof. Assoc. di Politica Economica, Univ. Chieti; Univ. Teramo, IT; Dipart. di Economia Politica, Univ. Siena, IT
Publishing years Series Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Politica / Università degli Studi di Siena (7) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Government of the Italian Republic (Italy) - Ministry of Economy and Finance Department of the Treasury Working Papers Collection (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-54, 1997 (1) Quaderni del Dipartimento di economia politica e statistica (1) IMF working papers (1) IMF working paper (1) Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (1) Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : LNEMS (1) Biblioteca di economia e relazioni industriali (1)