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Hughes, Gerard Rajnes, David Andrews, Emily S. Blake, David Shen, Sally Maher, Michelle Mitchell, Olivia S. Rajnes, David M. Muller, Leslie A. Doescher, Tabitha A. Fernandez, Phyllis A. Chen, Tianhong Rutecka-Góra, Joanna Fullmer, Richard K. Kim, Yŏng-ch'an Dorsey, Stuart Gordon, Margaret S. Pieńkowska‐Kamieniecka, Sylwia Watanabe, Noriyasu Bodie, Zvi Hinz, Richard P. Schmitt, Robert Rein, Martin Latulippe, Denis Bailey, Clive Verma, Satyendra Muller, Leslie Ghilarducci, Teresa Bielawska, Kamila Muir, Dana M. Wolff, Edward N. Kwena, Rose Musonye Samborski, Adam Sun, Wei Muller, Lesli A. Pieńkowska-Kamieniecka, Sylwia Labouré, Marion Fisch, Jill E. Kintzel, Dale Klein, Bruce W. Reilly, Catherine Burkhauser, Richard V. All co-authors pension social security altersvorsorge market benefits financial pensionskasse workers countries individual future expectations retirement plans analysis study altersgrenze rentenpolitik products investment benefit income policy individuals complex poland united participants date funds plan contribution portfolios aversion polen pessimistic economics states target comparison fee diversification ireland capital used type paper time people who vergleich sterblichkeit mortality lebensversicherung irland age risk savings behavior labor sector older better options defined private differences covering results particular
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John A. Turner Alternative spellings: John Andrew Turner John Turner B: 1949 Biblio: Pension Policy Center, Washington, DC
Profession Economist
Affiliations USA. Department of Labor Public Policy Institute George Washington University Internationales Arbeitsamt
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / The Pensions Institute, Cass Business School, City University (5) Netspar academic series (1) Upjohn Institute working papers (1) WE Focus series (1) Working papers / Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania / Business and public policy (1) Pension Research Council Publications (1) Les retraites complémentaires (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Economic Association (1)