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Lipsey, Robert E. Blomström, Magnus Ngoc, Phan Minh Shahrazat Binti Haji Ahmad James, William E. Plummer, Michael G. Sjöholm, Fredrik Movshuk, Oleksandr Lee, Hiro Takii, Sadayuki Yang, Chih-Hai Yeung, Henry Wai-Chung Low, Linda Juthathip Jongwanich Truong, Thi Ngoc Thuyen Archanun Kohpaiboon Narjoko, Dionisius La Croix, Sumner J. Lee, Chung Hoon Ichimura, Shin'ichi Umemoto, Masaru Sakamoto, Hiroshi Dai, Erbiao Kuo, Chun-chien Nasution, Anwar Parsons, Craig R. Nguyen Kien Trung Tsaur, Jen-Ruey Nguyen Kien Trung Abe, Shigeyuki Imada-Iboshi, Pearl Kea, Janis Naya, Seiji Finch All co-authors foreign auslandsinvestition
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Eric D. Ramstetter Prof. Alternative spellings: Eric Ramstetter E. D. Ramstetter Eric D. Ramsetter Biblio: Kyush University, Kitakyushu, Japan ; Facutly of Economics, Kansai University, Osaka
Affiliations Kokusai Higashi Ajia Kenkyū Sentā (Kitakyūshū) Mahāvidyālaya Dharrmaśāsṯr East West Center (Manoa, Hawaii)
Publishing years Series Working paper series / the International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (22) NBER Working Paper (4) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) Working paper series (1) Global COE Hi-Stat discussion paper series (1) Discussion paper series (1) SSE EFI working paper series in economics and finance (1) Working paper series in economics and finance (1)