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Helm, Dieter Kay, John Bishop, Matthew Hammond, Elizabeth M. Meadowcroft, Shirley A. Starkie, David Rovizzi, Laura Perkins, Stephen Van Dender, Kurt Abbott, Kim Cronshaw, Mike Glaister, Stephen Henney, Alex Molyneux, Richard Domberger, Simon Jaffer, Sue M. All co-authors privatisierung privatization energy public privatisation aviation transport policy competition luftverkehr deregulierung deregulation wettbewerb regulation utilities charter regulatory reform della case european impact competitive advantage industry role electricity supply act failed versorgungswirtschaft regulierung verkehrspolitik energiepolitik elektrizitätswirtschaft expanding airport capacity constraints large urban areas summary conclusions privatising london airports privatización una política
Composed terms Öffentliches unternehmen public enterprise air transport public utilities regulatory reform european aviation competition electricity electricity supply supply energy energy act act failed energy policy eu staaten eu countries transport policy electric power industry expanding airport airport capacity capacity constraints constraints large large urban urban areas areas summary summary conclusions conclusions privatising privatising london london airports airports la la privatización privatización una una política política necesitada necesitada base base racional racional regulation regulation product product quality quality public utilities citizen citizen charter charter regulatory reform productivity productivity growth growth uk uk public utilities privatisation privatisation uk uk internal internal organisation organisation productive productive efficiency efficiency regolamentazione regolamentazione della della qualità qualità dei dei servizi servizi nelle nelle imprese imprese pubbliche pubbliche sottoposte sottoposte price price cap cap regulation regulation il il caso caso della della gran gran bretagna bretagna peak peak load load pricing pricing aviation aviation case case charter charter air air fares fares regulating regulating european aviation impact impact bilateral bilateral liberalisation liberalisation competitive competitive advantage advantage european aviation whatever whatever happened happened bcal bcal privatised
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David J. Thompson Alternative spellings: David Thompson B: 19XX Biblio: Inst. for Fiscal Studies, London (1987); Centre for Bus. Strategy, London Business School (1990)
Profession Betriebswirt
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / International Transport Forum (1) IFS reports (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1) Document / Commission of the European Communities (1)