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Zilberman, David Shoemaker, Robbin Allan Fuglie, Keith Ingram, Cassandra Jans, Sharon Kascak, Catherine Aillery, Marcel Fuglie, Keith O. Klotz, Cassandra A. Casterline, Gary Lichtenberg, Erik All co-authors agricultural effects irrigation bewässerung kalifornien california adoption area
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Margriet F. Caswell Alternative spellings: Margriet Caswell Biblio: Assistant professor of economics and environmental studies, Univ. of California (1986); Economic Research Service, USDA (1993)
Publishing years Series Agricultural economic reports : AER (2) Technology and innovation in agriculture and natural resources (1)