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Diebold, Francis X. Lai, Kon S. Li, Hung-yi Hejazi, Walid Kaufmann, Robert Kurt Marquez, Jaime R. Klein, Lawrence Robert Hall, Stephen G. Heilemann, Ullrich Gangnes, Byron Sweitzer, Julie Avesani, Renzo G. Gallo, Giampiero M. Petersen, Christian E. All co-authors makroökonometrie macroeconometrics macroeconometric european regional international link development wechselkurs economic models monetary union foreign model real rate conference modelling euro area währungsunion außenwirtschaftspolitik global volume lawrence klein trade aspects export price growth project implications north american perspective macroeconomic production use prior information forecast combination trends optimal countries rational expectations exchange policy coordination theoretical future modellierung auslandsinvestition handelsabkommen japan rüstungskonversion simulation prognoseverfahren entwicklungsländer arbeitsmarkt modeling honor direct investment domestic capital formation agreements affect intra inter fdi carbon taxation pricing market exploring new equations canada job potential comments multilateral
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Peter H. Pauly Alternative spellings: Peter Pauly B: 1947 Biblio: Wirtschaftswiss., Finanzwiss., Makroökonom
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Toronto. Institute for Policy Analysis
Publishing years Series Working paper series / Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Analysis, University of Toronto (2) Schriften / Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, RWI (1) Working paper / Industry Canada (1) North American energy markets after free trade (1) Special proceedings issue of the ... Conference of the Society of Economic Dynamics and Control (1) Schriftenreihe des Sozialökonomischen Seminars der Universität Hamburg (1)