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Hajivassiliou, Vassilis Argyrou Muller, Nicholas Z. Hausman, Jerry A. McFadden, Daniel Newey, Whitney K. Powell, James Ichimura, Hidehiko Ahn, Hyungtaik Khan, Shakeeb Poirier, Dale J. Rothenberg, Thomas J. Aigner, Dennis J. Hsiao, Cheng Goldman, Steven M. Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Tamer, Elie T. Perloff, Jeffrey M. Orme, Chris D. Winter, Joachim Schunk, Daniel Aradillas-Lopez, Andres Porter, Jack Lang, Kevin All co-authors monitors schätztheorie labor standards naaqs levels network compliance supply networks period new using purposes check attainment provide useful data studying effects number placed where following questions affect monitor add year changes associated models forces dictate design pollution monitoring causes study classical outcomes simulation umweltbelastung messung measurement ozonbelastung umweltbehörde standortwahl taxes squares multivariate methods ldv tax taxation environmental protection agency usepa maintains basic enforce national ambient air quality imply conflicting criteria locations limited highest required met sources observe variety asks factors retired drives site tackle particular focus role regulatory context tropospheric ozone panel dataset contiguous spanning years peak readings prior significantly regulator whether drop while consistently composition appear family simple estimators invertible index density weighted linear subject normal probabilities theoretical computational results estimation econometrics wage federal revenue raised husbands wives spouses joint familienbesteuerung haushaltsökonomik
Composed terms estimation theory pollution levels labor supply provide useful useful data data studying studying pollution pollution effects number monitors monitors placed family labor forces dictate dictate design design pollution pollution monitoring monitoring networks ozone pollution environment agency location choice classical estimation estimation methods methods ldv ldv models models using using simulation environmental protection protection agency agency usepa usepa maintains maintains networks networks pollution pollution monitors monitors basic basic purposes purposes check check enforce enforce attainment attainment national national ambient ambient air air quality quality standards standards naaqs naaqs provide effects purposes purposes imply imply conflicting conflicting criteria criteria locations locations limited limited number monitors check check attainment attainment standards standards monitors placed where where pollution levels highest highest monitors monitors required required where where standards standards met met new new pollution pollution sources sources provide effects monitors placed observe observe outcomes outcomes variety variety pollution levels study study asks asks following following questions questions factors factors affect affect monitor monitor retired retired network network drives add new new site site causes year year changes number tackle questions questions particular add drop
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Paul Arthur Ruud Alternative spellings: Paul A. Ruud Paul Ruud P. A. Ruud
Affiliations Vassar College. Department of Economics University of California Berkeley
Publishing years Series Working paper / University of California at Berkeley, Department of Economics (3) NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Cowles Foundation discussion paper (2) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) CESifo working papers (1)