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Sørgard, Lars Kind, Hans Jarle Clark, Derek J. Asheim, Geir B. Barros, Pedro Pita Kundu, Tapas Hoel, Michael Iversen, Tor Vislie, Jon Sand, Jan Yngve Emblem, Anne Wenche Hörnig, Steffen Lund, Diderik Fumagalli, Eileen Johansen, Bjørn Olav Brekke, Kjell Arne Søgard, Lars Claussen, Carl Andreas Skorstad, Egil Köthenbürger, Marko Barros, Pedro Hoernig, Steffen Clark, Derek J. Guerra, Alice Nystad, Arild N. All co-authors market bureaucratic industry channels firms government firm effort prize competition wettbewerb where spieltheorie advantage discretion viewers effect prices contests fernsehwerbung information delegate model set werbung head pay competitive drift versicherungsmarkt dynamic sided advertising consider principal genetic optimal price win authority sectoral policy consumer discuss cost laggard scope viewer structure advertisers oligopoly time technology uncertainty larger number depends individuals implies increases study contestants oligopol winning doing markets who asymmetric faces use bureaucrats efforts start mediensektor testing regulation coordination sequential matter product regulators insurance payment merger renegotiation private extent expected gains early second rival distributors fernsehen television fusion verhandlungen
Composed terms tv channels game theory bureaucratic discretion television advertising media firms asymmetric information asymmetrische information insurance market bureaucratic drift tv industry learning doing incentives delegate media industries genetic testing price coordination coordination sided competition tv firms competition competition matter sectoral regulators second contest advertising prices viewer prices television industry tv oligopoly sided markets raise revenue delegate regulation ex ante characterize optimal regulation industry bureaucratic cost market structure prices set pricing strategy corporate finance pay auction sided market firm private private information government faces where advertising firms industry prize mass prinzipal agent theorie agency theory media usage competition policy learning process price competition economics of insurance location theory training contest competition viewers viewers advertisers advertisers tv repulsion chance delegation regulation waiting merge head starts business models models media matter raise health insurance product market competition authority consumer lock lock asymmetric polluting firm viewers dislike larger number close substitutes expected effort discuss government government incentives arise differ prize fund genetic engineering firm price tv channel set tv
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Tore Nilssen Alternative spellings: T. Nilssen Biblio: University of Oslo, Department of Economics
Affiliations university of oslo department of economics Norges Bank Handelshøyskolen BI Chr. Michelsens institutt Universitetet i Oslo. Økonomisk institutt
Publishing years Series Memorandum / Department of Economics, University of Oslo (19) CESifo working papers (5) Discussion paper / NHH, Department of Economics (5) Discussion papers / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (5) CESifo Working Paper Series (4) Discussion paper / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics (4) Memorandum from Department of Economics, University of Oslo (4) Arbeidsnotat / Norges Bank (4) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) CESifo working papers : the international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University's Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute (2) Working paper / Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School (1) CIE discussion papers (1) Discussion paper / Economics series / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (1) Discussion paper / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (1) IFIM rapport (1)