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Composed terms water pollution eu staaten eu countries shadow wage wage economies economies migrant migrant labour labour case case labour labour traded traded good chemical industry migrant workers labour market theory wage theory corporate governance shadow pricing pricing price price controls controls identifying identifying costs costs benefits benefits projects projects example example biotechnology biotechnology environmental environmental legislation legislation set set rules rules constraining constraining polluters polluters defining defining ends ends assessing assessing means means environmental environmental policy policy examination examination ec ec mercury mercury directive directive women women work work middle middle east east outline outline relevant relevant literature literature shadow good equity equity european european community community pollution pollution control control rezension rezension currie currie martin martin wrestling wrestling time time shadow good assessing assessing impact impact british british chlor chlor alkali alkali industry industry eec eec directive directive discharges discharges mercury mercury waterways controlling monitoring dse 1970 1982 Öffentliches unternehmen
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Ivy Papps Biblio: Univ. of Durham (1987)
Publishing years Series Working papers in trade and development (1) Hobart paper (1)