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Cieślik, Andrzej Mycielski, Jerzy Hagemejer, Jan Szczygielski, Krzysztof Fidrmuc, Jarko Michałek, Anna Hagemejer, Jan Huber, Peter Michałek, Tomasz Pawlak, Karolina Dunin-Wąsowicz, Maria Śledziewska, Katarzyna Gauger, Iryna Nasadiuk, Iryna Smith, Alasdair Maliszewska, Maryla Pochmara, Adam Kamiński, Bartłomiej Kwieciński, Andrzej Kondratowicz, Andrzej Przystupa, Jan Holmes, Peter Czarny, Elżbieta Greszta, Michał Syliwoniuk, Marlena Paliński, Michał Ghodsi, Mahdi Apostolakis, Georgios Svatko, Pavel Szyszka, Jacek Lewkowicz, Jacek Mroczkowski, Piotr All co-authors polen poland trade firm export osteuropa countries accession european handelsliberalisierung economic performance innovation determinants level central eastern new polish industrie exportwirtschaft member europe evidence union polski years auslandsinvestition case implications empirical gatt wirkungsanalyse unternehmenserfolg eurozone
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Jan Jakub Michałek Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Jan Michalek Jan J. Michałek B: 1953 Warschau Biblio: Prof. of International Economics at Department of Economic Warsaw Univ Source:
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Profession Economist
Publishing years Series PPRG discussion papers (4) Working papers (2) NBP working paper (2) WIFO working papers (2) Institute of Economic Research working papers (1) Polish studies in economics (1) Economic discussion papers (1) Amsterdam international studies (1)