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GND: 170314456
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Michael F. Scott
Alternative spellings: Michael Scott
B:1945 Biblio: Dr., Oxfam America (1984); tätig in internat. Entwicklung u. Ernährungswissenschaft Mitarbeiter bei United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, v.a. Latein-Amerika u. Karibik
Michael "Scotty" Scott (born February 11, 1945) is an American entrepreneur, who was the first CEO of Apple Computer from February 1977 to March 1981. Formerly director of manufacturing at National Semiconductor, Scott was persuaded by Mike Markkula to take the CEO position at Apple, as the co-founders — Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak — were both seen as insufficiently experienced for the job at the time. (Source: DBPedia)