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Ahmed, Shahid Ahmad, Khan Masood Shafique, Azam Ghenimi, Ameni Febianto, Irawan Giashi, Ali Alizadeh Shakeel, Moonis Hassan, Owais Ibin Hasnat, Tanzeem Banday, Umer J. Mathur, Somesh K. Levison, Deborah Anker, Richard Barge, Sandhya All co-authors stock exchange india market indien firms test evidence volume relationship markets period analysis national islamic futures term countries weak empirical returns study banking index prices open periods long form efficiency firm
Composed terms national stock stock exchange islamic finance islamisches finanzsystem volume open indian stock long term weak form firm level islamic banking index futures stock returns returns volume stock market foreign exchange exchange markets south asian efficient market hypothesis islamische staaten islamic countries capital income handelsvolumen der börse trading volume futures prices prices volume futures market asian countries using daily sub periods causal relationship economic growth causality analysis regional multilateral multilateral trade trade developing developing countries countries testing testing weak form efficiency efficiency firm level analysis analysis national issues islamic risk management empirical relationship relationship index open evidence evidence indian
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Shahid Ashraf Alternative spellings: S. Husain Ashraf B: 1959 Biblio: Tätig im Dep. of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central Univ.), New Delhi, India; Tätig an der Aligarh Muslim Univ.
Publishing years Series Labour market papers (1)