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Jin, Hailong Choi, Yoonho Johnson, Stanley R. Beladi, Hamid Marjit, Sugata Chen, Jiong Feinerman, Eli Casas, François R. Choi, Jai-young Lapan, Harvey E. Harrigan, James Devadoss, Stephen Merrill, Yesook Jensen, Bjarne S. Kim, Ŭng-han Thompson, Henry Wang, Tong Qian, Hang Jin, Jang Cheong Hicks, Whitney W. All co-authors trade tech currency aid inputs optimal profits intervention countries welfare uncertainty innovator entwicklungsländer products market economy policies policy export außenwirtschaftstheorie northern rivals input wechselkurspolitik außenwirtschaftspolitik china losses open factor developing exports paper foreign
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Eun Kwan Choi Alternative spellings: Ŭn-gwan Choe Eun-Kwan Choi Eun K. Choi E. K. Choi E. Kwan-Choi E. Kwan Choi E. Kwan Choi B: 1946
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universidade de Ásia de Leste Iowa State University of Science and Technology. Department of Economics Chinese University of Hong Kong
Publishing years Series CESifo working papers (3) Blackwell handbooks in economics (3) Department of Economics seminar paper / Monash University (2) CESifo Working Paper (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) IMF working paper (1) IMF working papers (1) International review of economics & finance : IREF (1) RoutledgeCurzon advances in Korean studies (1) Review of international economics (1) Discussion paper series / School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong (1) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (1) Diskussionsbeiträge / 2 (1)