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Christensen, Tom Roness, Paul G. Rykkja, Lise H. Rykkja, Lise H. Egeberg, Morten Verhoest, Koen Baldur Þórhallsson Steinthorrson, Runolfur Smari Smari Steinthorsson, Runoflur Rubecksen, Kristin Røvik, Kjell Arne Lie, Amund Fimreite, Anne Lise Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari Randma-Liiv, Tiina Neby, Simon Sarapuu, Külli Trondal, Jarle Jann, Werner Jantz, Bastian Rolland, Vidar Kleizen, Bjorn Wynen, Jan Aars, Jacob Špaček, David Dan, Sorin Baldersheim, Harald All co-authors public welfare norway norwegen state reforms administration verwaltungsreform performance tom karsten administrative germany dynamics sector countries changing relations christensen vrangbaek governance crisis challenges norwegian service changes sozialstaat study new civil central government nordic european democratic thomas systems social wouter security inquiry crises eea times hybrid arrangements europeanization reform regulatory case different article services multiple actors development combining union accounting institutionenökonomik nordeuropa accountability organizational denmark npm forms reputation structural routledge handbook europe based special hierarchy tradition institutional states culture agencies organization political whole approach employment examines relationships explores information order autonomy johan olsen answer question werner jann agency stewardship schillemans comparing danish fleming larsen bastian jantz flux individual responsibility pieter tõnurist tavernier dimensions
Composed terms public administration Öffentliche verwaltung neues steuerungsmodell new public management administrative reform accountability performance accountability relations tom christensen karsten vrangbaek reform accountability nonprofit management public sector welfare state public management denmark germany Öffentlicher sektor welfare reforms reforms accountability changing accountability eu staaten eu countries administration norway administration nordic administrative reforms regulatory reform sector reform performance management institutional economics northern europe reputation management dynamics accountability accountability public routledge handbook handbook accountability accountability welfare state reforms reforms europe new coordination coordination challenges challenges welfare civil servants europeanization central government administration nordic states civil service state agencies reform norway whole government government approach article examines accountability relationships democratic order order autonomy autonomy accountability accountability johan johan olsen olsen accountability performance legitimacy answer question question werner werner jann jann combining agency stewardship accountability thomas hybrid welfare larsen karsten accountability dynamics changing welfare germany bastian jantz welfare state flux health care lindén ina crises julia bach kai wegrich principles meet practicalities reform british ppps unravel digital era just silent
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Per Lægreid B: 1949 Biblio: Prof. em.
Profession Verwaltungswissenschaftler
Affiliations Institutt for Administrasjon og Organisasjonsvitenskap (Bergen)
Publishing years Series Routledge handbooks (1) Public management review (1)