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Feltenstein, Andrew Rudd, Jeremy B. Sibert, Anne C. Saks, Raven E. Wilson, Beth Anne Wijnbergen, Sweder van Stockton, David Wascher, William L. Roberts, John M. Cohen, Darrel Steven Sichel, Daniel E. Axelrod, Sandor Canetti, Elie Blinder, Alan S. Peneva, Ekaterina V. Starr, Martha Slifman, Larry Sheiner, Louise Stockton, David J. All co-authors debt fiscal nominal rigidity price wage rate government downward change countries measurement employment cost gdp messung perceptions policy evidence compensation welfare implications prices monetary bank consolidated expectations inflation recent index practices model real data past central ratio changes cpi estimate geldpolitik haushaltskonsolidierung verbraucherpreisindex monetisation japan error analysis exchange regimes intertemporal market rationing goods economic individuals expansion position measure paper based strong united firms use virtual percent haushaltsdefizit lohnrigidität industrial consumer where stand
Composed terms downward nominal nominal wage japan government government debt inflation measurement employment cost cost index monetary policy fiscal consolidation regelbindung versus diskretion rules versus discretion consumer price index index number monetisation japan measurement error wage rigidity welfare implications exchange rate rate regimes real rate monetary expansion central bank debt ratio public debt Öffentliche schulden budget deficit fiscal policy industrial countries error consumer consumer price price index index where where stand rigidity evidence evidence employment compensation practices analysis welfare implications alternative alternative exchange regimes intertemporal intertemporal model model application savings commodity commodity market market rationing rationing real rate china inflation perceptions inflation past consolidated government government central consolidated debt nominal rigidity systematischer fehler labour costs exchange rate policy real interest rate zentrale wirtschaftsplanung central planning debt recent recent fiscal policy selected selected industrial stand downward recent trends trends compensation application savings price stickiness inflation nominal debt position ratio fall fiscal deficits gdp united data individuals virtual price savings behavior wage changes 1990 2000 1958 1984 measurement monetisation index recent practices downward china monetisation
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David E. Lebow Alternative spellings: David Edward Lebow David Lebow
Profession Economist
Affiliations Princeton University Federal Reserve System. Board of Governors Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich
Publishing years Series Finance and economics discussion series (6) BIS Working Paper (2) BIS working papers (2) Working paper series / Economic Activity Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2) FEDS Working Paper (1) DRD discussion paper (1) International finance discussion papers (1)