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Samsonova-Taddei, Anna Salijeni, George Zaman, Mahbub Quick, Reiner Willekens, Marleen Humphrey, Christopher Channuntapipat, Charika Ronen, Joshua Curtis, Emer Moizer, Peter Loft, Anne Jeppesen, Kim Sherer, Michael W. Taylor, Peter All co-authors wirtschaftsprüfung bda data governance big technology trust study rechnungswesen nature changes agenda practice accounting developments regulation impact aufsichtsbehörde vertrauen confidence regulierung analysis contemplating public discussion framework united kingdom corporate effects committees europe case developing accountants paper particular empirical marleen willekens market profession development jahresabschlussprüfung europa understanding technologies reconfigure organization financial statement audits sociomaterial audit research variation sustainability assurance versus non providers ronen auditing committee effectiveness informal processes behavioural business risk longitudinal engagement independence competence critical questioning international federation private global current issues explores recent episode evolution incorporation analytics firm approaches drawing interviews individuals significant experience implementing assessing publicly available documents published field provides holistic related key relationship clients used areas
Composed terms financial audit corporate governance big data audit regulation data mining changes audit audit technology auditing regulation auditing trust regulation europe data analytics regulatory agency data changes technology contemplating contemplating research research agenda united kingdom audit committees audit committee trust governance bda audit impact bda bda auditing study empirical marleen willekens financial statement audit cash flow prüfungsausschuss des aufsichtsrats understanding big data technologies technologies reconfigure reconfigure nature nature organization organization financial financial statement statement audits audits sociomaterial sociomaterial analysis analysis big agenda variation variation sustainability sustainability assurance assurance practice practice analysis analysis accounting accounting versus versus non non accounting accounting providers providers big agenda research research public public practice practice accounting accounting discussion discussion ronen ronen developments framework auditing regulation united kingdom corporate governance effects effects audit committees audit committee effectiveness effectiveness informal processes behavioural effects auditing europe business business risk risk audit longitudinal case case study study audit audit engagement governance developing europe independence competence critical data data audit firm audit field field paper overview bda bda related rise bda
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Stuart Turley Prof. Biblio: Tätig als Lecturer in accounting at the Univ. of Manchester
Publishing years Series Modern developments in accounting and finance (1)