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Alwang, Jeffrey R. Schimmelpfennig, David E. Masters, William A. Mills, Bradford F. Garber, Ben Barrera, Victor Ball, V. Eldon Heisey, Paul W. Ortiz, Jaime Kostandini, Genti Hareau, Guy G. Bezuneh, Mesfin Debello, Moti Jaleta Shiferaw, Bekele Deaton, Brady J. Zeng, Di Tjornhom, Jessica D. Francisco, Sergio R. Peterson, Everett B. Bergtold, Jason Ganoza, Victor G. Brewster, Charlene Orden, David Gapud, Victor Bouchet, Frédéric Reaves, Dixie W. Cárcamo, Julio A. O'Donnell, Christopher John All co-authors agricultural research economics benefits agrarwissenschaft landwirtschaft agrarpolitik economic growth analysis agriculture agrarökonomik impacts food varieties potential case policy value development use pest evaluation transgenic philippines sources ernährungssicherung entwicklungsländer
Composed terms agricultural sciences agricultural policy agricultural economics economics research gentechnisch erzeugtes produkt genetically modified product economics agricultural agricultural technology poverty reduction developing countries agricultural productivity food security policy advice agricultural development development world world food food systems systems resource resource use integrated pest pest management measuring benefits productivity measurement sources growth landwirtschaftliche entwicklung plant protection impact assessment human serum serum albumin benefits policy potential benefits
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George W. Norton Prof. Alternative spellings: George Norton Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Inst.; Tätig an der State Univ., Blacksburg
Publishing years Series Routledge textbooks in environmental and agricultural economics (2) Impact assessment discussion paper (2) Textbooks in environmental and agricultural economics (1) Studies in productivity and efficiency (1) Studies in Productivity and Efficiency (1) Proceedings from the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association (1) McGraw-Hill series in agricultural economics (1)