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Strand, Ivar E. McConnell, Kenneth E. Irwin, Elena G. Leggett, Christopher G. Kling, Catherine L. Bell, Kathleen P. Irwin, Elena G. Segerson, Kathleen McNamara, Paul E. Heggem, Christine N. Dow, William H. Shogren, Jason F. Golan, Elise Hardy Kuchler, Frederick R. Lipton, Douglas W. Siegel, Robert A. Hanemann, W. Michael Capalbo, Susan M. Freeman, Albert Myrick Levy, Alan Teisl, Mario Francis Cho, Hyun Jin Nickerson, Cynthia J. Towe, Charles A. Partridge, Mark D. Newburn, David A. Chen, Zhe Boyle, Kevin J. Herriges, Joe Parsons, George R. Johnson, A. C. All co-authors environmental valuing land umweltökonomik use maryland wohlfahrtsökonomik economics valuation natural resource measuring environment tourismusregion landnutzung umwelt
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Nancy E. Bockstael Prof. Alternative spellings: N. Bockstael Nancy Bockstael
Affiliations University of Maryland. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Publishing years Series Proceedings from the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association (2) The economics of non-market goods and resources (1) The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources (1)