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Bussière, Matthieu Morahan, Aideen Das, Udaibir S. Lu, Yinqiu Tiffin, Andrew Perrelli, Roberto Monfort, Brieuc Sy, Amadou N. R. Perrelli, Roberto Sy, Amadou Nicolas Racine Rocha, Manuel Rocha, Manuel Duarte Christofides, Charis Christofides, Charalambos Holland, Allison Keizer, Pieter Klaas Ploeg, Frederick van der All co-authors ratings crisis foreign crises economic paper political effects vulnerability emerging market funds aid countries survey reserve sovereign policy setting instability macroeconomic counterpart capital requirements impact schwellenländer managers economies standards variables
Composed terms emerging market counterpart funds foreign aid emerging economies reserve managers market economies economic vulnerability capital requirements developing countries policy operational instability economic effects counterpart funds underlying underlying foreign credit ratings financial crisis economic crisis ratings capital sovereign wealth wealth fund fund policy operational considerations political instability macroeconomic effects adherence international international standards survey aims setting swf political variables model developed unexpected foreign linking capital sovereign wealth fund politische instabilität survey reserve managers lessons lessons crisis early warning setting sovereign vulnerability emerging economies liquidity liquidity offset offset weak weak fundamentals fundamentals effects effects contagion using credit lending emerging economies possible possible impact impact new new basel standards good good practice spreads ratings foreign currency results suggest sovereign ratings real effective effective exchange exchange rate foreign exchange reserves internationaler kredit international credit development aid development finance crisis survey balance sheets currency crises considerations setting vulnerability external requirements lending role corporate legal macroeconomic trade unions small open banks imf aims gain crisis date
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christian B. Mulder Alternative spellings: Christian Mulder C. B. Mulder C. Mulder Biblio: International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC ; Tilburg Univ., Netherlands
Affiliations Weltbank
Publishing years Series IMF working paper (9) IMF working papers (7) IMF Working Paper (2) IMF WP/09/179 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-21, 2009 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-22, 1992 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-46, 2000 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-27, 2002 (1)