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Lundberg, Olle Bäckman, Olof Erikson, Robert Bergmark, Åke Gähler, Michael Bacchus Hertzman, Jennie Lennartsson, Carin Palme, Joakim Ritakallio, Veli-Matti Blomgren, Jenni Hiilamo, Heikki Kangas, Olli Estrada, Felipe Dellgran, Peter Dryler, Helen Szebehely, Marta Le Grand, Carl Saunders, Peter Lundberg, Olle Björklund, Anders Rehnberg, Jennie All co-authors sweden schweden einkommensverteilung relative welfare sozialstaat countries cross inequality gesundheit health inequalities social och kommittén välfärdsbokslut economic data sozialpolitik absolute analysis poverty rates income change från distribution time relation armut einkommen lebensstandard resources findings antologi välfärd states study policy results population nordeuropa lebensqualität lohn wages comparative mortality temporal national nordic life trends välfärdens rapport comparison australia importance dynamics mobility united trajectories stability earnings impact pooled sectional series measure based fixed infant child estimates close adjusting risk public age differences regimes sterblichkeit armutsbekämpfung vergleich australien finnland finland gesundheitsversorgung
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Johan Fritzell Prof. Alternative spellings: Johann Fritzell B: 1954 Biblio: Seit 2016 Direktor am Aging Research Center (ARC), Stockholm
Profession Sozialwissenschaftler Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Karolinska institutet Centrum för Forskning om Ojämlikhet i Hälsa (Stockholm)
Publishing years Series Statens offentliga utredningar : SOU (5) Reprint series / Swedish Institute for Social Research (5) LIS working paper series (4) Meddelande / Institutet för Social Forskning (3) Health & society series (1) Working paper series / Luxembourg Income Study (1) Discussion papers / Social Policy Research Centre, The University of New South Wales (1) Departementsserien (1) Study of social and economic inequality working paper (1) Långtidsutredningen (1) Dissertation series / Swedish Institutet för Social Forskning (1)