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Jenkinson, Tim Xu, Ying Mitchell, Janet Vines, David Onji, Kazuki Vera, David Boltho, Andrea Mayer, Colin P. Taylor, Dehne Daly, Anne E. Tyers, Rodney Twite, Garry Maulana, Achmad Gai, Prasanna Matsushige, Hisakazu Heng, Dyna De Brouwer, Gordon J. Sidorenko, Alexandra Feng, Wei Hay, Donald A. Louri, Helen Corbett, Jenny Garnaut, Ross All co-authors japan financial ostasien banks unternehmensfinanzierung banking bankenregulierung bankenkrise capital regional crises east asian policy market network personnel countries economic crisis international study marktintegration measure injection case japanese global implications labour financing paper kapitalstruktur finanzsektor globalisierung globalization management rescues investment australia lessons collapse new united issues rescue offers wirtschaftsintegration finanzmarkt investition finanzmarktregulierung arbeitsmarkt arbeitsmarktpolitik australien währungskrise wirtschaftspolitik interconnectedness restructuring targets asia corporate structure economy laggards leaders comparing currency vulnerability effect financed germany industry progress analysis recapitalization employment reforms key personalmanagement regionalbank tochtergesellschaft finanzkrise volkswirtschaft asien arbeitsmarktflexibilität schock shock aussenwirtschaftsbeziehung using method interconnection output bank role integration savings evidence firms decade changed slowdown review modelling assessment stagnation revive changing governance finance exchange states eastern wrong design did lost
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jennifer Marjorie Corbett Prof. Alternative spellings: Jennifer M. Corbett Jenny Corbett B: 1947 Biblio: Nomura Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford
Affiliations Griffith University Crawford School of Economics and Government Centre for Economic Policy Research Australian National University
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (4) Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia (3) Australia-Japan Economic Relations Research Project, Australian National University, Research Paper (2) NBER Working Paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Crawford School Research Paper (1) Routledge-ERIA studies in development economics (1) Discussion paper / The University of Western Australia, Business School, Economics (1) Asia Pacific economic paper (1) Joint series of competitiveness (1) William Davidson Institute working papers series (1) Working papers / East Asia (1) Economic studies working paper series (1) Economics working papers (1)