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Taylor, Michael Masciandaro, Donato Arezki, Rabah Hüpkes, Eva H. G. Das, Udaibir S. Gollwitzer, Sophia Vega Pansini, Rosaria Toscani, Frederik Nieto, María J. Chenard, Kina Masciandaro, Donato Mehran, Hassanali Frydl, Edward J. Ramirez, Silvia Hoelscher, David S. Verdier, Geneviève Dumitrescu, Elena-Ivona Gollwitzer Franke, Sophia Laurens, Bernard Freytag, Andreas Lui, Herbert Ishi, Kotaro Rumbaugh, Thomas Zamaróczy, Mario de Haan, Jakob de Nieto, Maria Jesus Nieto, Maria Verdier, Geneviève Taylor, Michael Ramirez, Silvia Loyda Verdier, Genevieve Balling, Morten Lierman, Frank Bruni, Franco Reding, Paul All co-authors financial governance independence supervisory sector paper accountability regulatory supervision central arrangements bankenaufsicht political countries supervisors institutional regulators imf public institutions crisis framework government market banking economic stability quality reforms monetary role finanzsektor structural hand new recent independent programs banks agencies building education attainment policy need aufsichtsbehörde architecture practice empirical crises country main results bankenregulierung finanzkrise south european dataset rate liberalization effectiveness environments view structures important key matter path capacity evidence doorsteps analysis policymakers establishing soundness account weak determinants experience open large levels effective sustained deepening architectures development securities extent discusses period administrations budgetary trends growth north wallis weingast structure sub saharan fear based while findings law powers network issues rsi zentralbank zentralbankunabhängigkeit money exchange convergence systemic national turkey agency likelihood using developed despite
Composed terms banking supervision independence accountability financial sector structural reforms accountability arrangements sector regulators education attainment financial crisis imf programs supervisory independence bank regulation regulatory agency attainment public political institutions financial supervisory supervisory structures central banks bank independence institutional environments sustained financial monetary policy regulatory supervisory independence financial public administrations regulators supervisors central bank accountability financial sector supervisors capacity building north wallis wallis weingast financial supervisors sub saharan saharan africa sector governance central bank independence financial supervision governance financial banking crises governance arrangements financial soundness matter financial capital account weak institutional financial deepening grabbing hand indirect monetary paper discusses paper investigates public sector reforms imf programs capacity institutions view architecture financial weingast transition analytical framework policy instruments systemic banking paper provides gold price price volatility budgetary institutions country position position transition transition path financial development network national results indicate russia turkey turkey latin institutional economics eu countries money regulation rule law law elites crisis did sing tune law unto
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Marc Quintyn Alternative spellings: M. Quintyn
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds Banque Nationale de Belgique
Publishing years Series IMF working papers (23) IMF working paper (15) Economic issues (10) IMF Working Paper (6) SUERF studies (4) IMF staff country report (2) IMF Working Papers (2) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (2) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-68, 2002 (1) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (1) IMF country report (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-44, 2004 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-54, 2002 (1) Bank of Greece Working Paper (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-43, 1991 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-50, 2007 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-46, 2008 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-34, 2008 (1) Working Paper / Bank of Greece (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-43, 2009 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-42, 2010 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-47, 2011 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-58, 2010 (1) Cahiers de la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Sociales de Namur / Série recherche (1)