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Vahčič, Aleš Dmitrovič, Tanja Ellerman, David P. Radicic, Dragana Kotnik, Patricia Myint, Yupar Břusková, Pavla Bialic-Davendra, Magdalena Glas, Miroslav Tyson, Laura D'Andrea Rogers, Halsey All co-authors slovenia slowenien policy kmu sme industriepolitik osteuropa industrial systemtransformation firm european firms slovene restructuring socialist eastern europe privatization controversies east west self enterprises privatisierung instrument mix size complementarity subsidies tax credits financializacija gospodarstev doseganje pametne trajnostne vključujoče rast spin practice comparative
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Tea Petrin Biblio: Assistant Prof. of Econom. an der University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics "Boris Kidrič", Ljubljana (1986)
Affiliations Univerza v Ljubljani
Publishing years Series Delovni zvezki / Raziskovalni Center Ekonomske Fakultete (1) Policy papers in international affairs (1)