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Moessner, Richhild Galati, Gabriele Nelson, William R. Chadha, Jagjit Turner, Philip Wood, Geoffrey Sinclair, Peter J. N. Chan, Ka Kei Milne, Alistair Thomas, Stephen Mills, Terence C. Bruni, Franco Fair, Donald E. O'Brien, Richard Hoggarth, Glenn Price, Lionel All co-authors geldpolitik international financial crisis monetary central policy zentralbank england market banks debt crises finanzkrise government management banking important swap lines
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
William A. Allen Alternative spellings: Bill Allen W. A. Allen B: 1949 Biblio: Cass Business School, City Univ., London, UK ; Bank of England
Affiliations National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Publishing years Series NIESR policy paper (4) BIS working papers (4) BIS Working Paper (3) Handbooks in central banking lecture series : issued by the Centre for Central Banking Studies, Bank of England (3) NBP working paper (2) Discussion papers / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (2) Studies in macroeconomic history (2) Policy paper 27 (1) De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper (1) Special paper (1) Special paper series / London School of Economics and Political Science, Financial Markets Group (1) Measuring inflation and real growth (1) Financial and monetary policy studies (1)