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Hsu, Shih-hsun Chen, Po-chi Chen, Chi-chung Yu, Ming-miin McCarl, Bruce A. Hsu, Sheng-Ming Liou, Ruey-wan Luh, Yir-hueih Stefanou, Spiro E. Chang, Yu-Chieh Hsu, Shih-Hsun Eddleman, Bobby R. Lin, Hsing-Chun Chen, Been-lon Kuo, Ken-nan Mendelsohn, Robert O. Wang, Hung-jen Huang, Fung-mey Shaw, Daigee Mendy, Michael Chen, Yi-Chieh Wu, Chia-hsuan Hsu, Sheng-ming Lin, Kuo-jung Weng, Yungho Dy, Kenneth Bicol Lai, Chih-li Managi, Shunsuke Shih, Jou-Chen Chen, Yichieh Chu, Yu-Hsien Dy, Kenneth Bicol Huang, Wen-Hung Lee, Huey-Lin All co-authors taiwan asian growth change global agriculture productivity landwirtschaft produktivität case analysis impacts application economic models warming pacific klimawandel economy data crop climate agricultural carbon production agrarproduktion agrarpolitik wide emissions approach value measurement farmers impact economies non adjusted yield sector new evidence cost credit international water asset fixity dairy research problem abatement agraraußenhandel handelsliberalisierung messung wirtschaftswachstum ostasien landwirtschaftsbank financial assessment investment study asymmetric coronavirus trade farm envelopment measure tariff efficiency china east distribution panel economics government unions nonparametric risk
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ching-cheng Chang Prof. Alternative spellings: C.-C. Chang B: 1957 Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan und tätig am Inst. of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei; Tätig an der Pennsylvania State Univ.; Tätig an der Texas A&M Univ.; Tätig an der National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan
Publishing years Series Monograph series / The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (2) IEAS working paper (1) Academia studies in Asian economies (1) Faculty paper series : FP (1) Special proceedings issue of the ... Conference of the Society of Economic Dynamics and Control (1)