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Golden, Linda L. MacMinn, Richard D. Ai, Jing Yang, Charles C. Yang, Chuanhou Cooper, William W. Witt, Robert C. Deng, Yinglu Blake, David Aird, Paul R. Guillén, Montserrat Wang, Tianyang Song, Anji Wang, Mulong Wen, Min Ming Wei, Pengyu Rousseau, John J. Zhang, Yuxin Jang, Jaeho Kirchner, Theresa A. Zhou, Hong Wang, Yuying Chang, Ray E. Deng, Honghui Semple, John H. Parner, Jan Ruefli, Timothy W. Golany, Boaz Li, Shan Garven, James R. Xia, Xiaohua Derrig, Richard A. Paick, Kwang H. Kahane, Yehuda Yang, Charles Raeburn, J. A. Parker, Barnett R. Nielsen, Jens Perch Lin, Yijia All co-authors health longevity medical mortality sterblichkeit risikomanagement management risk risiko service outcomes analysis markets data model medicare advantage utilization using modeling capital pricing efficiency improving derivative financial stochastic enterprise insurer dejd effizienz derivat risikomodell efficiently insurance hedging making dependent derivatives insurers
Composed terms risk management health outcomes data envelopment analyse data envelopment analysis longevity mortality mortality risk medical service service utilization risk model medicare advantage enterprise risk decision making capital markets utilization efficiency dejd model gesetzliche krankenversicherung public health insurance mobile business forecasting model medical loss loss ratio positive health life insurance shared dependent risk capital securities pricing weather derivatives functional health improving maintaining health improvement improvement efficiency health care costs technische effizienz technical efficiency retirement provision financial market advantage medical ratio service service efficiency efficiency efficiently efficiently positive outcomes medicare outcomes improving systemic risk stochastic mortality optimal enterprise management decision making shared dependent risks longevity risk mobile commerce credit scoring insurance losses risk modeling modeling securities securitization longevity mortality rates modeling forecasting forecasting mortality automobile insurance genetic testing testing adverse adverse selection derivatives weather utility functions mental health health improving maintaining physical cost efficient mlr medical regulatory monitoring model provide health care
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Patrick L. Brockett Alternative spellings: P. L. Brockett Patrick Brockett Biblio: Comb School of Business, Univ. of Texas, Austin
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / The Pensions Institute, Cass Business School, City University (2) McCombs Research Paper Series (1) Applying maximum entropy to econometric problems (1)