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Swinton, Scott M. Lev, Larry Backus, Gé B. C. Delbridge, Timothy A. Gómez, Miguel I. Chiaverina, Pierre Hoolihan, Courtney Oamek, George E. Lohano, Heman D. Leibtag, Ephraim Drogué, Sophie Hand, Michael Nanney, Marilyn S. Byerlee, Derek Young Grannon, Katherine Jacquet, Florence Warren, Cael All co-authors local supply chains control lieferkette growing producer salmonella farm production dynamic case plant incentive ernährungssicherung analysis programming information
Composed terms supply chains food supply local food supply chain growing local salmonella control dynamic programming food security food market case studies plant investments investments salmonella control pork food retailing crop yield producer incentive food industry agro industry organic farming nutrition policy food consumption dynamische optimierung food trade agricultural cooperative farmer involvement involvement short short food chains systematic systematic literature literature review organic crop food shelf farm management local mainstream chains growing local case studies local management producer producer incentives incentives plant pork supply incentive systems information technology agricultural cooperatives low income data nonnormal nonnormal errors consumption patterns linkages rural sierra leone slaughter plant short food supply chains agricultural product distribution channel Ökologischer landbau food bank healthy eating index eating habit funktionelle lebensmittel functional food mathematische optimierung mathematical programming direct selling privater konsum private consumption consumer behaviour pig farming pig market prinzipal agent theorie agency theory landwirtschaftliche betriebsform farming system review farmer survey specialty assess whether
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Robert P. King Prof. Alternative spellings: Robert Philip King B: 1950 Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Univ. of Minnesota
Publishing years Series Staff paper series / Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (6) Staff papers series / Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (3) Economic research report (1) Our sustainable future (1) Our Sustainable Future (1) Agricultural economic reports : AER (1) Staff paper / Department of Applied Economics, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota (1) African rural economy paper (1)