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Maître, Bertrand Nolan, Brian Layte, Richard Watson, Dorothy Russell, Helen Fahey, Tony Williams, James Callan, Tim Lucchini, Mario Pisati, Maurizio Hannan, Damian F. Domański, Henryk Whelan, Brendan J. Creighton, Sean Goldthorpe, John Breen, Richard O'Connell, Philip J. Sexton, J. J. Barrett, Alan Mâitre, Betrand Anderson, Robert Murray, Aisling Fahey, Tony Russell, Helen Grotti, Raffaele Pisati, Maurizio Esping-Andersen, Gøsta Van den Bosch, Karel Cantillon, Béa Pintelon, Olivier Whelan, B. J All co-authors social economic poverty armut irland ireland analysis european life class vulnerability silc irish einkommensverteilung national paper indicators measurement material consistent messung welfare set groups approach levels living patterns union conditions quality survey socio reference vulnerable relating lebensstandard inequality multiple countries lebensqualität comparative impact using regimes relationship manner associated dynamics status case new experience mobility data economically measures range factors use relative understanding role strain population evidence wide
Composed terms eu staaten eu countries soziale lage social situation income distribution income poverty consistent poverty quality life social exclusion european union poverty social poverty economic living conditions socio economic standard of living soziale ausgrenzung multiple deprivation quality of life sozialer indikator social indicator soziale ungleichheit social inequality social class reference groups economically vulnerable economic strain welfare regimes business cycle soziale schicht income living household income silc data deprivation indicators poverty measures eu mitgliedschaft eu membership analysis eu statistics income irish case economic crisis self organising organising maps poverty deprivation income deprivation anti poverty relative income subjective economic social fluidity poverty reduction deprivation economic using eu patterns multiple poverty ireland life europe republic ireland national anti poverty strategy income approach irish component cluster membership eu wide comparative european eu poverty social risks indicators poverty exclusion ireland severity debt debt problems experience economic enlarged eu deprivation european measurement poverty social status european countries risk poverty life chances make use component european conditions eu som approach latent class economic growth sozialer status Öffentliche sozialleistungen distribution economic life ireland welfare state irish eu new old old social data set low pay
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Christopher T. Whelan Alternative spellings: C. T. Whelan Biblio: Tätig im Economic and Social Research Inst., Dublin; Tätig an der School of Sociology, UCD; Tätig am Geary Institute
Publishing years Series Working paper / The Economic and Social Research Institute (20) UCD Geary Institute discussion paper series (18) Policy research series (4) UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy discussion paper series (3) Social inclusion report (2) General research series / Economic and Social Research Institute (2) Paper (2) Social inclusion technical paper (1) EF / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (1) Social indicators research series (1) Développements récents de l'analyse économique (1) Joint meeting of the Royal Irish Academy and the British Academy (1)