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great depressioneconomic policybretton woods systemswedish economistsproperty rightsdaily pressohlin greateconomic historygustav casselprivate propertyeconomic planningbretton woodscassel elieconomic theorydeutschland bis 1945 germany until 1945 internationales währungssysteminternational monetary systemcassel ohlinheckscher povertypoverty causescauses curescassel defensedefense privateeconomists debatedebate economicnewspaper articlessweden brettondepression popularpopular messagemessage dailycharacterised repercussionsrepercussions worldworld greatdepression eraera populismpopulism nationalismnationalism protectionismprotectionism governmentgovernment interventionintervention attemptsattempts createcreate plannedplanned economieseconomies perceivedperceived needneed economicplanning emergedemerged sweden
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