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Albæk, Svend Møllgaard, H. Peter Kirkegaard, René Hertzendorf, Mark N. Orzach, Ram Tauman, Yair Hylleberg, Svend Bagwell, Kyle Møllgaard, H. Peter Møollgaard, H. Peter Andersen, Torben M. All co-authors quality produktqualität auctions information competition advertising signalling werbung prices market signal buy oligopoly oligopol spieltheorie preismanagement informationsökonomik policy seller signals pre auktionstheorie wettbewerbspolitik offers asymmetric second equilibrium incentives buyer anreiz adverse buyers firm kartellrecht marktmechanismus dänemark denmark online multi unit exchange dynamic auction effects modest duopoly signaling entry potential pricing product consumers role analysis
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Publishing years Series Memo / Økonomisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet (10) Discussion papers / Centre for Industrial Economics, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (8) CIE discussion papers (4) Economics working paper (3) Working paper / Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School (2) Discussion papers / Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (2) Aarhus University Economics Paper (1) Working papers / Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission (1) Working paper / Department of Economics, University of Aarhus (1) Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (1) Nouvelle série (1) CORE discussion paper : DP (1)