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Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Rialp Criado, Josep Epure, Mircea Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa Kerstens, Kristiaan Thieme, Claudio Giménez, Víctor Surroca, Jordi López-Torres, Laura Serarols i Tarrés, Christian Pérez-López, Gemma Van de Woestyne, Ignace Tribó, Josep A. Giménez, Víctor Illueca, Manuel Angulo-Ruiz, Fernando Donthu, Naveen Zafra-Gómez, José Luis Martínez, Pedro Briec, Walter Balaguer-Coll, María Teresa Narbón-Perpiñá, Isabel Arbona, Alexei Surroca Aguilar, Jordi Arévalo Soto, Alexander Duygun, Meryem Mañez Castillejo, Juan A. Plata-Díaz, Ana María Simancas, Rosa Cordero, José Manuel García-Alcober, Maria Pilar Portillo Pérez de Viñaspre, Fabiola Shaban, Mohamed Driga, Otilia Grifell i Tatje, Emili Giménez García, Víctor M. Giménez, Victor M. Tribó, Josep A. Balaguer-Coll, M. Teresa Mar Molinero, Cecilio Santín, Daniel Värri, Alpo Alda, Erik All co-authors efficiency spain spanien effizienz approach based kommunalverwaltung analysis application spanish productivity local groups technology banks produktivität frontier public spin offs data study ceos financial unternehmenserfolg bank empirical assessing university using attention government cost regional strategic savings eficiencia education luenberger long support units cognitive banking latin private literature bildungsniveau regionalentwicklung management case taking behavior earnings panel focus schools hospital evidence industry decomposition american model indices school approaches crisis environmental las change higher firm components sparkasse hochschule ausgründung technologietransfer krankenhaus schule schätzung estimation aplicación companies social european corporate term service chile measure total factor benchmarking educational indicator ohlson stock network robust nonparametric decentralization output conditions municipalities capacity non short managers links borrowers firms results assess profitability different framework tfp changes technological colombia dekompositionsverfahren börsenkurs una activity contributes value purpose quality profit colombian malmquist index examination sector affect municipal mexico dea group
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Diego Prior Dr. Alternative spellings: Diego Prior Jiménez Diego Prior-Jiménez Diego Prior Jiménez D. Prior
Affiliations Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona IESEG School of Management
Publishing years Series Working papers / Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (4) Working papers / Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (3) Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (1) Barcelon GSE working paper series (1) Documentos e informes / Ministerio de Industria y Energía, Secretaría General Técnica, Subdirección General de Estudios y Promoción Industrial (1)