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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jeremy Waddington B: 1955
Affiliations University of Keele. Centre for Industrial Relations University of Manchester European Trade Union Institute University of Warwick
Publishing years Series Routledge research in employment relations (5) Working paper / European Trade Union Institute (3) Work & society (2) European journal of industrial relations (2) ETUI Research Paper - Working Paper 2017.02 (1) ETUI Research Paper - Working Paper 2016.06 (1) Transfer : the European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the European Trade Union Institute (1) Transfer : European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the ETUI Research Department (1) Bulletin of comparative labour relations (1) Discussion paper / International Institute for Labour Studies (1) Employment and work relations in context series (1) HRM und industrielle Beziehungen (1)