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Sheldon, Ian M. MacLaren, Donald Kotsogiannēs, Chrēstos Morgan, C. W. Lloyd, Tim A. Herger, Nils Rayner, Anthony J. Dreher, Axel Marini, Annalisa Hertel, Thomas W. Herger, Nils Pick, Daniel H. Finus, Michael Cho, Guedae Zgovu, E. Halunga, Andreea Davidson, James E. H. Poen, E. Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan von Kotsogiannisz, Christos Gregory, Alan Weldegebriel, Habtu Sexton, Richard Wang, Humei Gregory, Alan Giulietti, Monica Osborne, Peter Morgan, Christopher Wyn Lan, Hao Sheldon, Ian M. All co-authors trade acquisitions border agricultural state trading markets staatshandel fdi cross vertical countries auslandsinvestition evidence agraraußenhandel transmission taxes power preis price world retail shadow economy Übernahme takeover welfare sector model reform ernährungsindustrie marktmacht models foreign estimation schätzung handelsliberalisierung prices international corruption enterprises tax relative impact effects related effect paper results konsumentenverhalten lebensmittelpreis korruption commodity horizontal case adjustment scares oligopoly vertically imperfect data preiskonvergenz oligopol industry
Composed terms state trading cross border foreign investment border acquisitions international agricultural trade wto recht wto law imperfect competition eu staaten eu countries unvollkommener wettbewerb agricultural trade market power food industry food sector shadow economy trade liberalization food price trading enterprises consumer behaviour horizontal vertical food scares trade reform price convergence multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation vertikale integration vertical integration evidence cross uk food food security price adjustment foreign direct direct investment vertically related institutional quality forms fdi fdi evidence vertical conglomerate food retailing food inflation price dynamics rate uncertainty structural model economy corruption scares market australian wheat wheat board related markets bse crisis gains trade market structure fertilizer market climate protection underground economy food safety animal disease foreign economic policy import quotas multiple taxes taxes alternative alternative forms acquisitions food retail food price inflation inflation eu uncertainty agricultural acquisitions global global food retail price corruption world world evidence institutions affect affect corruption corruption shadow border tax tax adjustments industrial organization adjustment uk vertical markets developing countries wto gatt long run
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Steve McCorriston Prof. Alternative spellings: Steve MacCorriston S. McCorriston Biblio: University of Exeter, School of Business and Economics, Exeter, Devon
Affiliations Purdue University
Publishing years Series Department of Economics discussion papers (8) Discussion papers in economics / School of Economics (4) Discussion papers in economics (3) Working papers / Studienzentrum Gerzensee (1) Working paper (1) Discussion papers in accounting and finance (1)