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Kaiser, Ulrich Rønde, Thomas Ejsing, Ann-Kathrine Sørensen, Anders Nielsen, Kasper M. Laursen, Keld Bennedsen, Morten Dahl, Christian M. Bohn Nielsen, Heino Jørgensen, Clara M. D. Rahbek, Anders Hoisl, Karin Mariani, Myriam Bennedsen, Morton Kaiser, Ulrich Marcusson, Mats Tartari, Valentina Uhlbach, Wolf-Hendrik Madsen, Jakob Brøchner Orsmond, David W. H. All co-authors firms workers mobility firm innovative activity labor university denmark dänemark effects data evidence performance effect employer who recent danish hired innovation study mobile knowledge industrieforschung contribute join active positive new arbeitsmobilität industrial relationship
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Hans Christian Kongsted Alternative spellings: Hans C. Kongsted Biblio: Tätig an der Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, China; Tätig an der Univ. of Copenhagen; Tätig beim Advanced Studies Program
Publishing years Series IZA Discussion Paper (3) ZEW discussion papers (3) Discussion paper series / IZA (3) Discussion papers / Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (3) ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper (2) UZH Business Working Paper Series (2) CAM working papers / Centre for Applied Microeconometrics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (2) Working paper / Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School (2) CIE discussion papers (2) Discussion papers / Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (2) Management Science (1) CREATES research paper (1) Discussion paper / CEBR (1) Economic discussion papers (1) Licentiatafhandling / Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet (1) Kiel advanced studies working papers : advanced studies in international economic policy research (1)