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Samet, Dov Kohlberg, Elon Aoki, Reiko Kao, Tina Shin-tian Jansen, Mathijs Potters, Jos A. M. Vermeulen, Dries Kvasov, Dmitrij Liu, Min Pratt, John W. Damme, Eric van All co-authors spieltheorie dominance gleichgewichtstheorie equilibrium equilibria strategy stability correlated rationality strategic iterative elimination rationalität informationsökonomik non bayesian unified approach games product spokes model nash foundations sequential stable sets beliefs types whether weak mixed korrelation correlation gleichgewichtsmodell entry produktdifferenzierung markteintritt nischenstrategie oligopol oligopoly expression backward induction perfect recall customization niche
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John Hillas Biblio: Tätig an der State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook; Tätig am Depart. of Economics, Univ. of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Tätig an der Ohio State Univ.
Publishing years Series Working paper series / Department of Economics, Auckland Business School, The University of Auckland (2) Working paper series / Center for Economic Institutions, Institute for Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (1) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (1) Discussion papers / Institute of Social and Economic Research (1)