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Bradford, Colin I. Tiomkin, David Annez, Patricia Clarke Kharas, Homi Jamshed Bahl, Roy W. Gertz, Geoffrey Chandy, Laurence Hosono, Akio Wetzel, Deborah L. Bhattacharya, Amarendra Kohli, Harinder S. Rueda-Sabater, Enrique Gustafson, Douglas Shirley, Mary M. Hermann, Werner Tolley, George S. Hamer, Andrew Marshall Hermann, Werner Zucker, Leo M. Jimenez, Emmanuel All co-authors development global entwicklungsländer chapter research road developing belt initiative urban countries economic governance central center integration world impact zentralasien eurasia page entwicklungspolitik entwicklungshilfe south urbanization imperative wolfensohn challenges significance people urbanisierung findings scoping brookings economy bank scale new public finance trade paper work entwicklung wirtschaftsintegration agenda opportunities scaling solutions millions poor summit implications policies east challenge growth policy perspective annex case poverty political assistance process summary exercise international aid papers getting history reform breaking stalemate conclusions years sector cover foreword introduction bri overview recommendations real effectiveness middle eurasian colin bradford johannes linn geopolitik geopolitics systemtransformation entwicklungsbank wirtschaftswachstum außenwirtschaftspolitik asia caucasus country program
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Johannes F. Linn Alternative spellings: I. Linn J. Linn Johannes Linn Johannes Friedrich Linn B: 1945 Biblio: Vice President, Bsemirnogo Banka
Affiliations Emerging Markets Forum Brookings Institution Weltbank. Development Research Group
Publishing years Series World Bank discussion paper (2) Arbeitspapier des Sonderforschungsbereichs 26 Raumordnung und Raumwirtschaft, Münster (2) Policy Research working paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) CASE Network Studies and Analyses (1) Focus (1) Studia i analizy (1) A World Bank book (1) A World Bank country study (1) A World Bank research publication (1) [International Bank for Reconstruction and Development], World Bank Staff Working Paper (1)