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Baldwin, Elizabeth Klemperer, Paul Lock, Edwin Hollender, Alexandros Igarashi, Ayumi Pasin Manurangsi Warut Suksompong Pastink, Arnoud Savani, Rahul Sørensen, Troels Bjerre Ventre, Carmine Ackermann, Heiner Mirrokni, Vahab S. Röglin, Heiko Vöcking, Berthold All co-authors product solving strong substitutes mix auctions auktionstheorie gleichgewichtstheorie auktion auction spieltheorie games soviet sowjetunion ussr consensus halving sets items communication complexity approximate nash equilibria approximation performance fictitious play finite unified approach congestion sided markets economic reform quality improvement efforts union consistency investment rules algorithmus algorithm engpass bottleneck marktmechanismus wirtschaftsreform produktqualität
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Paul Goldberg Dr. Alternative spellings: Paul W. Goldberg Pol Goldberg
Profession Informatiker
Affiliations Oxford University. Department of Computer Science University of Liverpool. Department of Computer Science Brooklyn College
Publishing years Series Economics discussion papers (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1)