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Feltovich, Nick Sun, Ching-jen Lee, Jungmin Escaleras, Monica Register, Charles A. Ulubaşoğlu, Mehmet Ali Ünver, M. Utku Boyd, John H. Rahman, Muhammad Habibur Sun, Ching-Jen Roy, Jaideep Kirmanoğlu, Hasan Cingiz, Kutay Floehr, Eric Song, Joon Jin Ulubaşoğlu, Mehmet A. Çınar, E. Miné Yi, Gyoseob Ismail, Mehmet S. Bigelow, John Payne Gürdal, Mehmet Y. Dutu, Richard Bhattacharya, Prasad S. Arin, Kerim Peren Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro Pivato, Marcus Rong, Kang Gurdal, Mehmet Y. Syropoulos, Constantinos Skaperdas, Stergios Roy, Santanu Lemke, Robert Ambarci, Nejat Ghosh, Saptarshi P. Ulubaşoǧlu, Mehmet A. Ulker, Aydogan Hill, Jonathan B. Sarpça, Sinan Alkan, Ahmet Okten, Cagla Ulubasoglu, Mehmet Ali Caglayan, Mustafa Lee, Jungmin Zenker, Christina Katzman, Brett Wärneryd, Karl All co-authors spieltheorie verhandlungstheorie officers nash speed experiment verhandlungen negotiations solution evidence motorists minority solutions size differences fair game theoretical changes tickets inequality migration kuznets level experimental payoffs racial speeding intersectoral mechanism einkommensverteilung schätzung estimation case penalty mechanisms position gender justice empirical demand kalai smorodinsky traffic paper gerechtigkeit designing shootouts fifa study search equilibrium norm simple corruption disparities public sector half cake predictions harsher hypothesis auktionstheorie geschlecht korruption wirtschaftswachstum
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Nejat Anbarcı Alternative spellings: N. Anbarci Nejat Anbarci Biblio: Tätig an der Deakin Univ., School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Victoria, Australia; Tätig an der Florida Internat. Univ., Miami, Fla, USA; Tätig an der State Univ. of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA
Publishing years Series School working papers / Economics series / Faculty of Business and Law, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University (14) Discussion paper / Monash University, Department of Economics (2) Working papers / Florida International University, Department of Economics (2) School working papers / Faculty of Business and Law, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University (2) GSBE research memoranda (1) Boston College working papers in economics (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Sheffield economic research paper series (1) Working paper series / Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey (1)