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David M. Boje Dr. Alternative spellings: David Boje David Michael Boje Biblio: Bill Daniels Ethics Fellow ; "He is known for his 1991 Administrative Science Quarterly and 1995 Academy of Management Journal articles on 'storytelling organization' in relation to currency of sensemaking in organisations as Tamara (play)-Land. He is also founder of the Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry."
Profession Economist
Affiliations Aalborg Universitet New Mexico State University
Publishing years Series Routledge studies in organizational change & development (4) Routledge companions (2) Systems thinking - midgley (1) Emerald Handbooks in business and management (1) Emerald handbooks in business and management (1) World Scientific series in multinational investment and business (1) Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society (1) European journal of cross-cultural competence and management (1) Sage series in management research (1)