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Fleming, Michael J. Keane, Frank M. Kambhu, John Amihud, Yakov Bennett, Paul B. Rutherford, Matthew Silber, William L. Kahan, Marcel Flemming, Michael J. Ingber, Jeffrey F. O'Regan, Vaughn Bennett, Paul Santoro, Paul J. Partlan, John C. Santoro, John Wolgemuth, Jennifer Stokes, Amanda Logan, Lorie Partlan, John Keane, Frank Ingber, Jeffrey Kambhu, John E. Kambhu, John Parkhurst, Charles H. All co-authors treasury market federal reserve debt paper time management new staatspapier reserves bills bonds offerings policy rates cash participants public open operations term dealer curve fomc managing purchases examines schuldenmanagement monetary early banks fed free repurchase following congress program yield agreements predictable bank york dealers costs regular objectives fixed officials bid rate issuance years primary direct evolution repo bidding short markets operating committee describes procedures maturities recognized did exemption corporate structure recent entry control minimum balances participation government emergence conventions auction process book economic financing bondholders business shape
Composed terms government securities treasury debt debt management treasury securities open market market participants public bond Öffentliche anleihe reserve banks treasury cash paper examines time time new york short term treasury officials open market operations regular predictable public debt free reserves Öffentliche schulden treasury market auction process federal open market committee committee fomc curve paper paper describes treasury federal recognized dealer dealer program york fed did congress yield curve treasury offerings monetary policy contracting conventions treasury auction book entry second half reserve bank following treasury notes bonds rate minimum treasury yield maturity structure structure marketable marketable treasury reserve participation participation public public treasury market operations term bonds agreements instrument instrument monetary market practices practices group treasury began began auctioning treasury bills era surpluses cash debt emergence regular treasury auctions maintaining fixed operating procedures bank new predictable issuance coupon bearing seven bonds examines circumstances reserve accord accord march reserve deposits managing free specifically authorized new issue central bank repo transactions bidding short rates bills week bills participants frequently rates likely likely bid bid efficient long term policy time treasury contemplating contemplating lender
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Kenneth D. Garbade Dr. Alternative spellings: Kenneth Garbade B: 1946 New York, NY Biblio: US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler; ehem. Profesor für Wirtschaft und Finanzen an der Graduate School of Business Administration der New York University. Seit 2008 Senior Vizepräsident der Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Profession Economist
Affiliations Bankers Trust Company (New York, NY) Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Publishing years Series Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (12) FRB of NY Staff Report (6) FRB of New York Staff Report (5) Working paper series / New York University, Salomon Center, Leonard N. Stern School of Business (2) Studies in macroeconomic history (1) NYU Working Paper (1) McGraw-Hill series in finance (1) Lexington books (1)