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Stoneman, Paul Moghadam, Valentine M. Pesaran, M. Hashem Chamlou, Nadereh Alami, Randa Pyatt, Graham Malik, Muhammad Adeel Springborg, Robert Moore, Clement Henry Owen, Roger All co-authors economic iran agriculture landwirtschaft role poverty development asia agricultural industrialization diffusion new nordafrika armut entwicklung asien industrialisierung innovationsdiffusion labor global oil exchange markets model arbeitsmarkt distribution middle east social based surplus study rate unification planning iranian reconstruction epidemic entwicklungsländer kaufkraftparität allokation allocation wechselkurspolitik marktversagen female force participation women north policy mena
Composed terms economic development innovation diffusion middle east weibliche arbeitskräfte women workers labour market mittlerer osten north africa social policy income distribution agricultural surplus rate unification unification role role markets markets planning planning iranian iranian economic economic reconstruction diffusion new developing countries purchasing power parity exchange rate policy market failure zentrale wirtschaftsplanung central planning female labor force participation east north mena region sub saharan saharan africa africa asia industrialization agricultural surplus comparative comparative study study economic development asia technological diffusion exchange rate rank stock stock order order epidemic epidemic effects effects diffusion new process process technologies technologies empirical empirical model economic factors spread colour colour television television ownership ownership uk arabische staaten arab countries mena staaten mena countries naher osten economic growth petroleum extraction oil industry central africa manufacturing plant unravelling puzzle puzzle low low female labor force participation iran iran minimum minimum wages wages labor labor market market institutions institutions distribution distribution earnings earnings iran iran women women work work welfare welfare middle africa role role socio socio demographics demographics entrepreneurship entrepreneurship public policy arab relationship poverty
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Massoud Karshenas Prof. Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Warwick, Coventry; Tätig bei SOAS, Univ. of London, UK; Tätig am Inst. of Social Studies, The Hague
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series ERF working papers series : working paper (2) DAE working paper (2) Warwick economic research papers (2) Employment strategy papers (1) Employment paper (1) SOAS Middle East issues (1) Social policy in a development context (1) African development in a comparative perspective (1) Agrarian questions (1)