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Vikram Nanda Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: V. Nanda Vikram K. Nanda Vik Nanda Biblio: Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas ; Tätig am College of Management, Georgia Tech, USA; tätig an der Univ. of Southern Calif., Los Angeles; tätig bei UCLA; tätig an der Univ. of Michigan
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Rutgers Business School Newark and New Brunswick
Publishing years Series NYU Working Paper (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) UNSW Business School Research Paper (1) 29th Annual Conference on Financial Economics & Accounting 2018 (1) Finance and economics discussion series (1) Weiss Center working papers (1) Working papers / Financial Institutions Center (1) University of Michigan Business School management series (1) Working paper series, domestic studies program (1) Selected papers from a Symposium on Market Microstructure (1) Gothenburg studies in financial economics (1)