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Christie, William G. Battalio, Robert H. Harris, Jeffrey H. Zaman, Mir A. Corwin, Shane Anthony D'Lima, Walter Loughran, Tim Lauterbach, Beni Gao, Pengjie Song, Zhaogang Mehran, Hamid Shive, Sophie Clyde, Paul Steel All co-authors market short trading stocks prices stock returns nasdaq investors quotes trades firms selling trade spreads makers odd eighth low evidence dealers börsenkurs shares bid ask options real sale impact equity markets information soes using large decline significantly time spread estate rural cross sectional did who bandits dealer offerings examine transaktionskosten squeezes response investor securities daily regulatory option class bubble
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Paul H. Schultz Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Paul Schultz P. H. Schultz Paul Harvey Schultz B: 1956 Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Iowa; tätig an der Ohio State Univ.; tätig an der Univ. of Notre Dame, Ind.
Publishing years Series AFA 2007 Chicago Meetings Paper (1) FRB of New York Staff Report (1) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1) EFA 2009 Bergen Meetings Paper (1) Symposium on market microstructure (1) Discussion paper (1)