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Haab, Timothy C. Morgan, Owen Ashton Groothuis, Peter Andrew Johnson, Bruce Kenneth Landry, Craig Wicker, Pamela Huth, William L. Mason, Daniel Huang, Ju-chin Blomquist, Glenn C. Anderson, William P. Mohr, Tanga McDaniel Humphreys, Brad R. Lew, Daniel K. Cockerill, Kristan Dumas, Christopher F. Hindsley, Paul Chambers, Catherine M. Train, Kenneth Sjolander, Richard Loomis, John B. Petrolia, Daniel R. Larkin, Sherry L. Ropicki, Andrew Martin, Gregory S. Schnier, Kurt Gu, Chuanhui Bin, Okmyung All co-authors zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse valuation contingent data willingness pay preference stated tourismusregion revealed non experiment konsumentenverhalten choice environmental quality attendance information values use estimates attribute using cost sportfischen measuring sportveranstaltung umweltökonomik recreational estimating joint
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John C. Whitehead Prof. Alternative spellings: John Claiborne Whitehead J. C. Whitehead John Whitehead B: 1963 Biblio: Department of Economics and Finance, Cameron School of Business
Profession Economist
Affiliations Appalachian State University Walker College of Business. Department of Economics East Carolina University University of North Carolina (Wilmington, NC)
Publishing years Series Department of Economics working paper (50) Routledge explorations in environmental economics (2) Working papers / Department of Economics, West Virginia University (1) Elgar guides to teaching (1) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment e-journal (1) Marine resource economics (1) Working paper / University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts, Department of Economics (1) A special issue on wilderness areas (1)