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Meurer, Roberto Valente, Amir Mattar Accurso, Cláudio F. Li, Carmen A. Silva, Josiane Kuhnen da Amal, Mohamed Gonçalves, Carlos Eduardo Soares Franzen, André Pires, Thomas Henrique Schreurs Boassi, Rinald Pinto, Céli Regina Jardim Bós, Antônio Miguel Gonçalves Mitra, Subrata Kumar Silva, Leandro R. Kim, Bumsoo Bagchi, Prabir K. Alam, Arshad Müller, Mayara T. Muller, Mayara Manfredini, Denise Beck, Ana Luiza Bauer, Martina Matte Marcon, Aline Filéti Acordi, Carla Assis, Rafaella Konzen, Otto G. All co-authors brazil modelo investimento brasilien wechselkurs country uma inflação determinantes brasileiro bandas exchange rate uncertainty latin america landwirtschaft agriculture währungsrisiko risiko risk lateinamerika determinants brazilian international flights role hub spoke infrastructure variables tourist attractions itinerary
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Fernando Seabra Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Essex, UK; Federal Univ. of Santa Catarina, Brazil, Departamento de Economia
Publishing years Series Série Estudos e pesquisas IEPE (1) Discussion paper / University of Essex, Department of Economics (1)