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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Fabio Scacciavillani Dr. Biblio: Tätig für den Oman Investment Fund
Affiliations Dubai International Financial Centre Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" University of Chicago. Department of Economics Internationaler Währungsfonds
Publishing years Series IMF working paper (4) IMF working papers (4) Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (2) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-66, 1994 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-41, 1998 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-28, 1999 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-21, 1995 (1) The Wiley Finance Series (1) IMF staff country report (1) Working paper series / School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University of Technology (1) Discussion paper / Department of Economics, The University of Western Australia (1)