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Gupta, Poonam Jain, Dhruv Devarajan, Shantayanan Khemani, Stuti Shah, Shekhar Blum, Florian Litvack, Jennie I. Bird, Richard M. Blum, Florian Michael Petchey, Jeffrey D. Shapiro, Perry Coricelli, Fabrizio Revenga, Ana Falcon, Walter P. Timmer, Charles Peter All co-authors growth service delivery local period slowdown services decentralization economy paper dezentralisierung policy financial fiscal economic past decades early global credit rate higher relationships
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Junaid Ahmad Alternative spellings: Junaid Kamal Ahmad Junaid K. Ahmad B: 1960 Junaid Kamal Ahmad is a Bangladeshi economist. He is the current World Bank country director for India. (Source: DBPedia )
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbank Junaid Kamal Ahmad is a Bangladeshi economist. He is the current World Bank country director for India. (Source: DBPedia ) Q27063448
Publishing years Series Policy Research Working Paper (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (2) Sector studies series (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy research working paper (1) Working paper series / School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University of Technology (1) Fiscal aspects of evolving federations (1) Development discussion paper / Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University (1)