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Tanzi, Vito Horton, Mark A. Crispolti, V. Dabla-Norris, Era Kim, Jun-il Shirono, Kazuko Crispolti, Valerio Maliszewski, Wojciech Flanagan, Mark Flanagan, Mark J. All co-authors fiscal exchange countries transition reserve low income shocks large paper changes entwicklungsländer assessing adequacy experience persistence variability daily rates impact macroeconomic adjustment rate market incentives
Composed terms low income income countries developing countries assessing reserve reserve adequacy large fiscal persistence variability variability daily daily exchange exchange rates adequacy low fiscal adjustments reform years years transition external shocks foreign exchange reserves economic transition eastern europe foreign exchange market rationale erwartung rational expectations international reserves stand arrangement arrangement request request waivers waivers nonobservance nonobservance performance performance criteria
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
George C. Tsibouris Alternative spellings: George Tsibouris Biblio: Tätig beim Treasurer's Dep., Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC, USA (1990)
Publishing years Series IMF working paper (3) IMF working papers (3) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (2) IMF country report (2) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (2) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-26, 1991 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-32, 2000 (1)