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Marchionni, Caterina Aydınonat, N. Emrah Binder, Constanze Heilmann, Conrad Sugden, Robert Deijl, Willem van der Koliofotis, Vaios Blaug, Mark Lanteri, Alessandro Marchionni, Caterina Rizzello, Salvatore Jolink, Albert Groenewegen, John McCloskey, Donald N. All co-authors evolutionary economic evolutionsökonomik routines genes neuroeconomics neuroökonomie behavior darwinism evolution darwinian generalized behaviour view expected bioeconomics paper skills bioökonomik individual issues based hodgson utility knudsen argued processes verhaltensökonomik wirtschaftsphilosophie choice different economics program understanding biological findings programs wirtschaftswissenschaft issue surprising ontological standard knowledge claim witt deliberate specific entscheidungstheorie institutional special literally computed brain debate continuity hypothesis natural conjectural revisionary ontology research methodology principles neural conscious individuals causal ontologie symposium community social models devil right future hope teaching finding darwinizing biology extension selection firm new foundations academic level content abstract present mutually rivals decision
Composed terms evolutionary economics generalized darwinism routines genes gd ch genes skills philosophy of economics economic evolution behavioral economics hodgson knudsen ontological issues standard economic deliberate choice decision theory darwinism evolutionary literally computed continuity hypothesis conjectural revisionary genes program program based darwinian principles genes routines conscious deliberate wissenschaftliche methode scientific method economics devil view darwinizing darwinizing evolutionary computed brain issues evolutionary natural extension extension bioeconomics based behaviour economic processes evolutionary economists biological evolution evolutionary processes darwinian evolutionary skills individuals soziale wohlfahrtsfunktion social welfare function theorie der unternehmung theory of the firm community advantage different domains competition evolutionary evolutionary process process mark mark blaug blaug evolutionary economics future future philosophy philosophy economics neuroeconomics hype hype hope individual incentives teaching economics where economics economics neuroscience neuroscience meet economics fun heterogeneous economic different view finding expected utility literally devil details economics debate debate generalized scope standard issue journal ulrich witt far short
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jack Vromen Prof. Alternative spellings: Jack J. Vromen Johannes Jacobus Vromen Johannes J. Vromen J. Vromen B: 1958 Heerlen
Profession Economist Philosoph
Affiliations Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Publishing years Series Critical concepts in the social sciences (5) Papers on economics and evolution (4) The journal of economic methodology (2) Papers on Economics and Evolution (2) Journal of economic methodology (1) Papers on Economics and Evolution #0711, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena (1) Papers on economics & evolution (1) Economics as social theory (1)