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All co-authors tourism tourismus tourismuswirtschaft development economic tourismuspolitik armutsbekämpfung world lao developed tourismusforschung laos entwicklungsländer eswatini special issue honour professor david harrison research agenda tourists mobilities paradigms mass small evidence alleviating poverty people democratic republic white certificate schemes analysis interactions ets alleviation community based private sector issues case studies swaziland distributive effects instruments environmental policy bulgarian state uncertainty bridges countries entwicklung entwicklungsstrategie gemeinwesenarbeit urlaubsverhalten mobilkommunikation mobilität mobility tourismusmanagement massentourismus armut branchenentwicklung emissionshandel privatwirtschaft Ökotourismus ecotourism
Composed terms tourism industry tourism policy poverty reduction tourism developed development tourism tourism research developing countries issue honour honour professor professor david david harrison harrison research research agenda agenda tourism tourism development development tourists tourists mobilities mobilities paradigms paradigms mass mass tourism tourism small small world world evidence evidence tourism tourism alleviating alleviating poverty poverty tourism tourism lao lao people people democratic democratic republic republic white white certificate certificate schemes schemes economic economic analysis analysis interactions interactions eu eu ets ets lao lao tourism tourism poverty poverty alleviation alleviation community community based based tourism tourism private private sector sector tourism developed world world issues issues case case studies studies development tourism swaziland swaziland distributive distributive effects effects economic economic instruments instruments environmental environmental policy policy bulgarian bulgarian tourism tourism state state uncertainty uncertainty bridges bridges economic economic development countries tourism studies developing societies mobile communications eu staaten 1800 1990 environmental economics 1300 1800
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David Harrison Alternative spellings: David F. Harrison B: 1941 D: 2021
Profession Soziologe Anthropologe
Affiliations King's College London Middlesex University. Business School St. Mary's University College (Twickenham) Royal Geographical Society International Academy for the Study of Tourism University of the South Pacific University of North London University of Sussex
Publishing years Series Tourism planning & development (1) Elgar research agendas (1) OECD documents (1)